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NewsWaterproof Christmas tablecloths for Christmas dinner

Waterproof Christmas tablecloths for Christmas dinner

Christmas is coming and this year, in the hope of finally gathering my family and friends around the table I have thought of making it warm and welcoming with some tips on Christmas tablecloths made of one of the most classic and iconic Scottish textiles: the red tartan. This fabric is known all over the world and so linked to the culture and the historical events of Scotland that it even represents the Scottish national identity itself.

What may surprise you is that, beside the classic Christmas tablecloth, I suggest you to use placemats and table runners , but also actual waterproof Christmas tablecloths, which you can differently handle according to the moment or to the kind of people that you will host. Using a Christmas tablecloth will allow you to easily reuse it throughout the Christmas season on various occasions.

You can start to create the Christmas atmosphere from the very first moment of the day with the placemats available in different lovely warm colors for the most welcoming Christmas and match an embroidered napkin. A bit of romanticism won’t hurt!

Instead, if the event won’t be a classic Christmas dinner but a lunch with friends during Christmas time, you could set your table with a solid color ivory tablecloth (that you could use again for other celebrations) enriched by a red tartan runner with matched napkins.

Thus we come to the most important moment for which you could use your Christmas tablecloth, a wonderful red Scottish tablecloth, embellished with napkins with gold ruffles and the lurex gold placemat. The gold shine will give to your table a sparkling touch.

My last but precious tip: if you want to find everything you need to personalize your Christmas table or if you need a tailor-made Christmas tablecloth, then just visit Magilu online shop, where you will have fun checking out all the products!

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